G-Code Reference
Prunt g-code uses a simple syntax similar to Marlin. Most commands are also compatible with Marlin commands. The following rules describe the Prunt g-code syntax:
- Each line may contain zero or one commands.
- Commands are made up of parameters, which are a single letter from A to Z, and arguments, which may be any of the following:
- An integer from 0 to 999.
- A floating point number with an optional decimal part (automatically promoted from integer type).
- A string surrounded by
- An argument is only allowed directly after a parameter.
- Arguments are optional.
- Duplicate parameters are not allowed.
- A command must contain a
parameter. - Parameters may be in any order.
- Unused parameters are not allowed.
- Arguments must be of the correct type for a command.
- All spaces on a line are ignored, excluding those within strings.
- Comments starting with
outside of a string are ignored.
G0: Rapid Linear Move
Perform a non-print linear move. Axes which are not specified will not move. Moves at the maximum feedrate if feedrate is not specified.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[X] | Float | X axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[Y] | Float | Y axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[Z] | Float | Z axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[E] | Float | E axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[F] | Float | Feedrate in mm/min, maximum if not specified. |
G1: Linear Move
Perform a linear move. Axes which are not specified will not move. Moves at the same feedrate as the last G1 command if feedrate is not specified.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[X] | Float | X axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[Y] | Float | Y axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[Z] | Float | Z axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[E] | Float | E axis target position in mm, or offset in relative move mode. |
[F] | Float | Feedrate in mm/min, from last G1 if not specified. |
G4: Dwell
Pause the printer for a given number of seconds after the last move is completed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
S | Float | Time to pause in seconds. |
G10: Retract
Perform a retraction move with the values specified by the last M207 command. Multiple G10 commands without a G11 command between them are ignored.
No parameters.
G11: Recover
Perform a recovery move with the values specified by the last M207 and M208 commands. Multiple G11 commands without a G10 command between them are ignored.
No parameters.
G21: Millimetre Units
Does nothing. Provided for compatibility with other motion controllers where G21 sets the units to millimetres.
No parameters.
G28: Auto Home
Home the specified axes using the method and parameters specified in the configuration. If no axes are specified then all axes are homed, including the E axis.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[X] | None | If included then the X axis will be homed. |
[Y] | None | If included then the Y axis will be homed. |
[Z] | None | If included then the Z axis will be homed. |
[E] | None | If included then the E axis will be homed. |
G90: Absolute Positioning
Set the printer to absolute positioning mode. In this mode G0 and G1 specify absolute coordinates. M83 overrides this behaviour for the E axis. This command acts as-if a M82 command is run at the same time, meaning that M83 must be called again to set the extruder to relative mode if it was called previously.
No parameters.
G91: Relative Positioning
Set the printer to relative positioning mode. In this mode G0 and G1 specify relative coordinates. M82 overrides this behaviour for the E axis. This command acts as-if a M83 command is run at the same time, meaning that M82 must be called again to set the extruder to absolute mode if it was called previously.
No parameters.
G92: Set Virtual Position
Set the current position to be used by other g-code commands. This does not change how other parts of Prunt see the position, so features such as bounds still function as expected.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[X] | Float | The X position to set. If not specified then the X axis position will not be adjusted. |
[Y] | Float | The X position to set. If not specified then the Y axis position will not be adjusted. |
[Z] | Float | The X position to set. If not specified then the Z axis position will not be adjusted. |
[E] | Float | The X position to set. If not specified then the E axis position will not be adjusted. |
M0/M1: Pause
Pause the printer and wait for the user to command the printer to continue.
No parameters.
M17: Enable Motors
Enable the motors assigned to the specified axes. If no axes are specified then all axes are enabled. On a CoreXY machine specifying X or Y will enable all XY motors.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[X] | None | If included, enable the X axis steppers. |
[Y] | None | If included, enable the Y axis steppers. |
[Z] | None | If included, enable the Z axis steppers. |
[E] | None | If included, enable the E axis steppers. |
M18/M84: Disable Motors
Enable the motors assigned to the specified axes. If no axes are specified then all axes are disabled. On a CoreXY machine specifying X or Y will disable all XY motors. Disabled axes are marked as unhomed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[X] | None | If included, disable the X axis steppers. |
[Y] | None | If included, disable the Y axis steppers. |
[Z] | None | If included, disable the Z axis steppers. |
[E] | None | If included, disable the E axis steppers. |
M82: E Axis Absolute
Set the E axis to absolute positioning mode, overrides G90. Cleared by G90.
No parameters.
M83: E Axis Relative
Set the E axis to relative positioning mode, overrides G91. Cleared by G91.
No parameters.
M104: Set Hotend Temperature
Set the target temperature for the hotend.
Parameter | Type | Description |
S | Float | Target temperature in celcius. |
M106: Set Fan Speed
Set the speed for a given fan. If no fan is specified then the first fan is used.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[P] | Integer/String | Fan name or index. First fan if not specified. |
[S] | Float | Speed from 0 to 255 with 255 being maximum speed. 255 if not specified. |
M107: Fan Off
Turn off the specified fan. If no fan is specified then the first fan is used.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[P] | Integer/String | Fan name or index. First fan if not specified. |
M109: Wait for Hotend Temperature
Wait until the hotend reaches or exceeds a given temperature.
Parameter | Type | Description |
S | Float | Temperature to wait for in celcius. |
M122: TMC Register Dump
Log all register values for all connected Trinamic stepper drivers.
No Parameters.
M140: Set Bed Temperature
Set the target temperature for the bed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
S | Float | Target temperature in celcius. |
M141: Set Chamber Temperature
Set the target temperature for the chamber.
Parameter | Type | Description |
S | Float | Target temperature in celcius. |
M190: Wait for Bed Temperature
Wait until the bed reaches or exceeds a given temperature.
Parameter | Type | Description |
S | Float | Temperature to wait for in celcius. |
M191: Wait for Chamber Temperature
Wait until the chamber reaches or exceeds a given temperature.
Parameter | Type | Description |
S | Float | Temperature to wait for in celcius. |
M205: Set Dynamic Kinematic Limits
Parameter | Type | Description |
P | None | Required to prevent accidental usage of commands meant for other motion controllers. |
[A] | Float | Acceleration in mm/s². Not modified if not specified. |
[J] | Float | Jerk in mm/s³. Not modified if not specified. |
[S] | Float | Snap in mm/s⁴. Not modified if not specified. |
[C] | Float | Crackle in mm/s⁵. Not modified if not specified. |
[D] | Float | Path deviation in mm. Not modified if not specified. |
[L] | Float | Pressure advance time in s. Not modified if not specified. |
M207: Retraction Settings
Adjust the retraction settings used by G10 and G11.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[F] | Float | Feedrate in mm/min. Not modified if not specified. |
[E] | Float | E axis retraction distance. Not modified if not specified. |
[Z] | Float | Z axis retraction distance. Not modified if not specified. |
M208: Recovery Settings
Adjust the recovery settings used by G11.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[F] | Float | Additional feedrate in mm/min. Not modified if not specified. |
[E] | Float | Additional E axis recovery distance. Not modified if not specified. |
M303: PID Autotune
Perform PID autotuning and output the result to the log.
Parameter | Type | Description |
T | Integer/String | Heater index or name. |
S | Float | Target temperature in celcius. |
[C] | Integer | Maximum number of cycles. Defaults to 5. |
M486: Ignored
Ignored command provided for slicer compatibility.
Parameter | Type | Description |
[S] | Float | Ignored. |
[T] | Float | Ignored. |