StatusConfig EditorG-Code ConsoleRun FileLogPruntSteppersKinematicsInput SwitchesHomingExtruderThermistorsHeatersBed MeshFansG-Code AssignmentLower Position Limit:X_AXIS (mm):-8E+307Y_AXIS (mm):-8E+307Z_AXIS (mm):-8E+307E_AXIS (mm):-8E+307Minimum position that the printer may move to. The E axis may be set to -8E+307 for effectively infinite range.Upper Position Limit:X_AXIS (mm):8E+307Y_AXIS (mm):8E+307Z_AXIS (mm):8E+307E_AXIS (mm):8E+307Maximum position that the printer may move to. The E axis may be set to 8E+307 for effectively infinite range.Max Feedrate (mm/s):1000.0Maximum tangential feedrate. Feedrates higher than this value will be clipped. Unlike axial limits, this limit is strictly enforced and scales with the axial scaler. This always includes all axes. Most users will want to set this to a high value and rely on axial limits instead.Max Acceleration (mm/s^2):200.0May safely be set to 8E+307 for effectively infinite acceleration (to the extent allowed by other constraints). Axial values will go above this value when corner blending is enabled.Max Jerk (mm/s^3):4000.0May safely be set to 8E+307 for effectively infinite jerk (to the extent allowed by other constraints). Axial values will go above this value when corner blending is enabled.Max Snap (mm/s^4):150000.0May safely be set to 8E+307 for effectively infinite snap (to the extent allowed by other constraints). Axial values will go above this value when corner blending is enabled.Max Crackle (mm/s^5):10000000.0May safely be set to 8E+307 for effectively infinite crackle (to the extent allowed by other constraints). Axial values will go above this value when corner blending is enabled.Axial Velocity Maxes:X_AXIS (mm/s):50.0Y_AXIS (mm/s):500.0Z_AXIS (mm/s):50.0E_AXIS (mm/s):50.0Maximum axial velocities. Applied to unscaled positions. Feedrates that result in axial velocities higher than these values will be clipped. These limits are not strictly enforced, especially in blended corners, however with reasonable parameters they will not be exceeded by a significant amount.Ignore E In XYZE:Ignore the E axis component of the commanded feedrate unless it is the only axis involved in a move. This behaviour is the default in some other 3D printer motion controllers. The axial velocity limit on the E axis still applies. The tangential feedrate limit in the settings always applies to all axes.Shift Blended Corners:When blending corners, shift the virtual corners so that the curve intersects the original corner. Corners that are too close to the edges of the work area will never be shifted.Pressure Advance Time (s):0.01The E axis velocity is multiplied by this value and then added to the E axis position.Max Chord Error (mm):0.2Maximum distance that the path may deviate from the commanded path. Setting this very high may cause axial velocity limits to be exceeded.Axial Scaler:X_AXIS:1.0Y_AXIS:1.0Z_AXIS:1.0E_AXIS:1.0Inside the motion planner, all positions are divided by this value before applying motion profile limits, allowing for different limits on different axes. You do not need to take this value in to account when setting position limits, mm per step values, axial velocity limits, or when setting the feedrate in g-code. Corner deviation and tangential feedrate, acceleration, etc. is based on scaled positions, so a tangential acceleration of 10mm/s^2 and a scaler of 0.5 will set the axial limit to 5mm/s^2.